Secrets of savvy travellers
8 Minute Read
Google “Holiday travel can be…” and these are the first words that pop up: stressful, mayhem, challenging, and a pain. Whoever said, “It’s not the destination but the journey that matters,” might not have been thinking about travelling over the holidays. Ease the stress of travelling this winter. Here are secrets every smart traveller should know.
Before you go
Do your homework
Smart travellers check for discounts before heading out. Find them on the CAA Mobile App – download from the app for on-the-go savings, no matter where you travel.
Book early
Savvy travellers know that waiting until the last minute doesn’t always work out. Take advantage of travel deals and flexible booking options when you book early and avoid the risk of limited capacity on tours and cruises.
Make sure you’re covered
Because you can’t put a price tag on travelling with peace of mind. CAA Members save up to 20% on CAA Travel Insurance and travel confidently with up to $5 million in coverage, when travelling to a destination with a Level 3 travel advisory (issued by the Government of Canada).*
Redeem your CAA Dollars®
Did you know that you can choose to save your CAA Dollars to use towards booking travel through CAA? Earn CAA Dollars with select CAA Rewards® partners, both in-store and online.
Update your passport
Nothing is worse than checking in for a flight only to realize that your passport is out of date. Make sure your passport is good to go, before you go. Visit a CAA Store where CAA Plus® and Premier® Members get one free printed passport photo every year, and CAA Everyday and Classic® Members get photos for only $8.50, plus tax.*
Double-check, and check again
Many travellers are holding on to their future travel and cruise credits from trips deferred due to the pandemic. These credits can come with an expiration date, which can creep up quickly if you don’t keep an eye on them. Don’t be disappointed by money spent on a trip you never got to take. Be sure to check your credits and contact your CAA Travel Consultant to help you use them (even if you didn’t book through CAA Travel).
Organize your luggage
When packing their carry-on luggage, smart travellers keep things well organized with packing cubes that minimize digging around looking for this charger or that toothbrush, or that pair of socks. Pick up packing cubes and organizers at a CAA Store and save up to 20%.*
Leave space for souvenirs
Leaving for vacation with an overstuffed suitcase is a recipe for disaster, as you won’t have space for souvenirs from your travels.
Travel with someone you trust
Only CAA Travel Consultants are fully certified through the Travel SMART certification program (launched in partnership by CAA Travel with leading industry experts and Global Affairs Canada). Through the program, CAA travel experts stay alert and current on travel advisories, restrictions, and regulations.
Bring snacks
They won’t be stuck paying high prices at the airport for snacks while they wait. Travelling can make for long days, so it’s best to have a snack or two packed in your carry-on to keep you from getting hangry.
Snap a photo of your parking spot
Don’t be left searching up and down endless rows of vehicles at the airport parking lot. Take a photo of your car’s location or row letter/number, or make a note on your phone to save yourself time when you land so you can get on the road and back home quickly.
Clean out the car
Don’t leave pocket change or a garage door opener in plain view for opportunity-seeking thieves at the airport. Remove all important documents, valuables or other items which could catch the eyes of passersby from your vehicle.
Pack sleep essentials
Long flight? Don’t be left struggling to catch some shut-eye because of a crying baby or bright lights. Pack a lightweight eye mask and earplugs to help you get some rest, so you’re ready to get exploring once you reach your destination.
Make sure you have your meds
If you have been prescribed medicine for any medical conditions or other medicines, including allergy or nausea relief, make sure you have enough for the full duration of your trip and extra in case you run into delays on your return home.
Protect your ears with gum
To avoid annoying ear pops as your plane takes off, pack some chewing gum in your carry-on bag or purse to relieve the pressure in your ears. Even better, choose mint gum to help alleviate in-flight nausea.
Stay connected without expensive bills
Most mobile service providers offer international phone plans so you can stay connected while travelling without incurring huge roaming charges on your next phone bill.
While you’re away
Protect your money
Be careful to protect your money and important documents while travelling. Don’t keep all in one spot so you’re not left in a pickle if they’re stolen. Look for a secure money belt to help deter theft by pickpockets.
Test the safe first
Most hotel rooms offer an in-room safe to protect your valuables. Always be sure to test the safe empty to make sure you know how to use it before risking locking all your valuables inside and not being able to get them back out.
Shop locally instead of hitting the restaurants
Just because you’re on vacation doesn’t mean you have to eat out for every meal – that gets expensive fast! Find a local grocery store to grab some staple items to keep in your hotel mini fridge to cut food costs.
Use public transportation
Cabs tabs add up. Opt for local transportation options or look into a car rental. Check to see if your vacation destination requires an International Driving Permit (IDP) for travellers to drive there. IDPs are available exclusively at CAA Stores or by mail from CAA.
Keep CAA’s phone number handy
Should an emergency arise while travelling with CAA Vacations®, CAA is there to help. Our 24/7 Member Care team is available to assist you with a variety of emergency travel assistance services, such as re-booking missed or cancelled flights, processing reservation changes, and providing referrals for lost or stolen travel documents.
Don’t share that you’re away
It’s tempting to post beach photos for friends and family members to see when they might be dealing with a snowstorm back home, but it’s not the best idea to share that you’re not home. That information in the hands of the wrong people can make your home a target for thieves.
Keep an eye on your home
If you'll be away for longer than five days, make arrangements for a trusted friend or family member to check in on your home. This is necessary for insurance and safety purposes.
Set an alarm
Vacations are meant to be a time to relax and enjoy, but nobody enjoys standing in long lines or missing out on the best seats at the beach. Getting yourself up early for the day increases your odds of making the most of your time away.
When you return
Plan for a recovery day
If they're experiencing jetlag, leave themselves with an extra day after returning from vacation to sleep, catch up on post-vacation tasks, and return to the real world mentally and physically.
Don’t leave your photos on your devices
Showcase your memories and share photos on social media after (not before) you’ve returned home. Print your photos and keepsakes with CAA Rewards eStore partner Staples Printing and earn up to 8% in CAA Dollars.*
Make insurance claims
If you run into issues on your vacation and your travel insurance policy covers the delays and/or damages, submit your claim as soon as you return home. There may be limits in your policy of how long a window you have to make your claim.
Check your statements
Within the first few days of returning home, check your credit card and bank statements for any errors or unauthorized charges so you can report them and hopefully resolve them in a timely manner.
Want to book your winter vacation? CAA Travel can help. Book a hotel or car rental online today - CAA Members enjoy exclusive savings on hotels, car rentals, restaurants and more with CAA Rewards®.
CAA Travel Insurance is underwritten by Orion Travel Insurance Company, a CAA Company. Certain exclusions, limitations and restrictions apply. Subject to change without notice. A Medical Questionnaire may be required to purchase travel insurance. Quotes are valid for 30 days.
Applies to CAA Members in good standing (CAA Membership dues paid in full by Membership expiry date). Up to twenty percent (20%) savings applies to the total premium excluding applicable taxes. Minimum premium applies. Subject to change without notice. Excludes Visitors to Canada Insurance. CAA Everyday, Classic®, and Plus® Members save 10%. CAA Premier® Members save 20% at CAA Stores or by calling 1-800-267-8713. CAA Premier Members save 10% and earn 10% in CAA Dollars® when booking online.
Up to $5 million CAD. Maximum $25,000 for all Emergency Medical Insurance benefits for Canadian residents without active Government Health Insurance Plan (GHIP); and/or without GHIP authorization to cover trip days in excess of 212 days in Ontario in a 12-month period.
Passport photos are not available at CAA North & East Ontario's head office. Classic Membership price is only extended to children under the age of 16. Digital photos can only be added to a USB purchased through CAA Travel. The price of the USB is reflected in the overall price for the digital photo. *One free Print set for CAA Plus Members, and one free Print, Digital, or Combo set for CAA Premier Members is only available once per year. See in-store for details. **Add Digital pricing is only available at the time of purchase of a Digital or Combo order and cannot be redeemed later.
Terms and conditions apply. Partners and offers are subject to change without notice. Price shown does not include tax. Offer is not available on International Driving Permits, passport photos, attraction tickets, travel insurance, or travel purchases. CAA Everyday and CAA Classic Members save ten percent (10%), CAA Plus Members save fifteen percent (15%), and CAA Premier Members save twenty percent (20%). Up to twenty percent (20%) discount is not combinable with the Member Exclusive Collection.~
Terms and conditions apply. Partners and offers are subject to change without notice. All trademarks are the property of their respective owner(s).
CAA Dollars Terms & Conditions To earn and redeem CAA Dollars, you must be a current CAA Member in good standing (CAA Membership dues paid in full by membership expiry date). Do not let your membership lapse or you will forfeit any accumulated CAA Dollars. CAA Dollars can be used to renew or upgrade your Membership, buy CAA store merchandise, buy movie and attraction tickets at CAA Stores, book your next trip through CAA Travel, buy a gift Membership, or pay or renew your CAA Insurance. CAA Dollars will automatically be applied to your Membership renewal if your account is set to "spend". If your account is set to "save", CAA Dollars will stay in your account until you choose to use them.