How to increase your EV's range in winter
3 Minute Read
Electric vehicles (EVs) are a sleek, eco-friendly, and future-minded form of transportation taking Canada's roadways by storm. A top choice for many vehicle buyers, they do come with unique challenges and considerations - not least, their driving range is drastically reduced in winter conditions.
While specifics vary from model and weather conditions, experts estimate that EVs suffer a 3 to 30 per cent reduction in range during the colder months.
For Canadian EV owners, this can be a challenge, but that doesn't mean that you should stop taking your EV out this winter. Here are tips to keep your electric vehicle operating efficiently, even in Canada's coldest conditions.
Preheating your vehicle before unplugging it
Cold temperatures are one of the biggest drains on EV winter performance. Not only does lower temperature affect the basic function of the battery, but the increased need for heating consumes more power that could otherwise extend your vehicle’s range.
To combat this, one of the top tips for increasing your EV's winter performance is heating your car while it is still plugged in. By manually activating the heaters or doing so from a distance with your vehicle's app, you can warm your EV before leaving the lot without expending any critical on-road charge.
For even better results, consider a heated parking space or thermal cover if possible. By reducing your vehicle's exposure to extreme cold, you can warm your car faster and keep your battery hot enough to run like it was built to.
Using your seat and steering wheel warmers strategically
Heating your EV can consume a lot of battery power, but keeping warm on those extra frosty days is essential. To maximize your EV's energy, experts advise forgoing central cabin heating and activating much less draining seat and steering wheel heaters.
These secondary heating appliances consume less energy and keep the driver's body warm as opposed to the entire interior atmosphere. While it may not be the most comfortable on those frozen-over days, it can significantly boost your EV's range by freeing up that extra battery power.
For even greater efficiency, consider installing external rechargeable seat heaters to keep your body warm without involving your EV's battery.
Drive conservatively to maximize efficiency
Just as frequent acceleration and braking can consume more fuel on traditional gas-powered vehicles - aggressive changes in speed can weigh heavily on your EV's battery. By driving conservatively at moderate speeds and slowly building acceleration over time, you can save a surprising amount of battery charge. This winter, consider driving more frugally to maximize your EV’s power.
Regularly check that your tires are correctly inflated
In winter, cold air can cause the pressure in your vehicle's tires to drop, which is dangerous and can additionally increase the rolling resistance against your tires, reducing your EV's range. To avoid this and keep your EV running at max, it is essential to regularly check your tire pressure and keep it at the recommended level.
Properly maintain your battery and console
As an electricity-powered vehicle, it is essential to maintain the health of your EV's battery. On top of regular check-ups, it is advised that the charge should not drop below 20 per cent to maintain the overall battery life and keep extra charge stored for emergencies, especially in frigid weather.
Depending on your model, you may also have access to software updates from the manufacturer, which can massively improve performance. Don't skip the update; mind your vehicle's maintenance to keep its performance in top gear.
Plan ahead and take your EV on the road this winter
Driving an EV in winter is as simple as operating any vehicle with the proper information and preparation. By keeping your battery warm, adjusting your habits, and being mindful of any unnecessary energy expenditures, an EV can be a perfectly viable option for frosty road trips and commutes.
Want to learn more about EVs? www.caaneo.ca/advocacy-EV
Know before you buy: CAA North & East Ontario content aims to be neutral and informative. Whether you're new to EVs or looking for a replacement vehicle, it's important to ask questions, talk to experts and do a test drive with a dealership so you can make an informed decision.