Munchkin and Bambino cats
CAA North & East Ontario

What you need to know to care for your Munchkin or Bambino cat

By: Jed Chown
Published Date:

5 Minute Read

In the world of cats, some stand out - and not always because they're tall. 

Munchkin and Bambino cats, while not the most common, are two of the most unique breeds on the market. Different in appearance and attitude, they share the notable trait of having adorably short and stumpy legs. 

These effortlessly adorable little friends are heartwarmingly cute, but like any designer cat, they are bred from malformations and need special attention and care due to their unique appearance. These cats are different and deserve the right type of care to help ensure that their lives are as happy and healthy as they can be. Read on for basic tips on caring for your Bambino and Munchkin cats.  

Caring for your Bambino Sphynx 

Hairless cats are a divisive breed. While many find them uniquely charming and elegant - others are understandably disturbed by their lack of fluffy fur. Despite their estranging appearance and cultural depiction as the exotic pets of moustache-twirling villains, they are actually some of the most affectionate and kind-natured cats you can find - with no subspecies as playful as the short-legged Bambino.  

Bred to combine the Sphynx's hairlessness with the Munchkin's miniature front legs - the Bambino cat is a true designer breed. Despite the belief that hairless cats are unsuitable for Canada's climate, the modern Sphynx was bred in Toronto and Minnesota in the 1970s and is one of the few cat breeds originating from Canada. Bambino's came later in 2005 and have since taken the feline world by storm.  

As sweet as Bambinos can be, they require a lot of special care and are susceptible to many health problems. They are at high risk for skin diseases and suffer many respiratory issues - not to mention their constant struggle with lower temperatures due to their lack of coat. As a result, they unfortunately have shorter average lifespans than most other breeds. However, this doesn't mean they can't be incredible pets. With the proper care, all hairless cats can have perfectly healthy and happy lives. 

With a Bambino, it is important to understand that skincare is the top priority. While your kitty may disagree - there is no such thing as too few baths, and you should aim to bathe them at least once a month, if not every week.  

It is important to keep their skin hydrated with coconut oil or an equivalent product between the baths. These cats can also have particular stomachs, and it is a good idea to consult with your vet to create a solid nutrition plan. Lastly, investing in some warm sweaters for your furr-less friend is essential - but don't worry, hairless cats are incredibly cuddly, meaning keeping them warm is one of the cutest problems you can have. If you love a long cuddle session, you may be interested in the proven benefits of bringing your pet to the workplace.  

Adorable as they are, they are fragile creatures, and with so many potential health issues, it can be prudent to consider pet insurance. If you are on the fence, here are some reasons you should reconsider. 

Caring for your Munchkin 

If you love the Bambino's stuffy legs but can't do without a kitty's fur - the Munchkin is the cat for you. Named for the dwarf-like creatures from 'The Wizard of Oz' - the Munchkin cat far exceeds its namesake in both cuteness and attitude.  

Short-legged cats have been reported in various parts of the world since the early 1940s but were only officially registered in 1991. The modern Munchkin breed descends from the same stray rescued in Louisiana in 1983.  

Munchkins are a playful and independent cat that loves a healthy dose of mischief. Small as their legs and bodies may be, they more than make up for it with their giant egos.  

"Mr. Moustache is a very special cat who doesn't let his size dictate his personality." Claims Patricia Marques - the owner of the Ottawa-based cat influencer 'Mr. Moustache'. "He runs the house, and he knows it. Even our new puppy learned quickly that Mr. M is the boss." 

While Munchkin don't have the same skin concerns as Bambinos, accommodating their smaller size is just as essential. "Ensuring that he has lots of shorter cat trees and toys is good to not put stress on his back," Marques suggests.  

Not all Munchkins have mobility problems, but many are at high risk of arthritis and can easily wear down their joints throughout their lives. Overexertion over a prolonged period causes many munchkins intense pain in old age. As a result, monitoring your Munchkin's diet and accommodating them where possible with specialty furniture and equipment can do much to alleviate potential harm.  

Investing in the right carrier is a great first step if you're interested in getting the right tools. Read more here to find the right one for you.

You can find Mr. Moustache on Instagram at @mrmoustachethemunchkin.  

Protect your furry and furless friends with CAA 

All pets deserve quality care, but some are a little more fragile than others. Regardless of how one may feel about breeding designer pets - these creatures are among us and deserve owners who can provide for their very particular needs.  

However, caring for your pets' health can be expensive - especially with breeds like the Bambino and Munchkin. When dealing with such high-risk breeds, pet insurance is a wise choice, and with a CAA Membership, you can save up to 13.5% on a pet insurance plan*.  

*CAA Members receive a 13.5% discount. Non-members receive a 9% discount. 

All pet insurance plans have limitations and exclusions. Specific products, features, rates, and discounts may vary by province and territory, eligibility, and are subject to change. Medical Conditions that are noted, symptomatic or diagnosed prior to enrollment, or during a waiting period are pre-existing to Coverage and not eligible for reimbursement. Waiting periods, annual deductible, co-insurance, benefit limits and exclusions may apply. This advertisement is an outline only; policy terms and conditions 'User Guide' will prevail. For all terms and conditions visit: 

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