Why is 1 vehicle stolen every 5 minutes in Canada’s car theft epidemic?
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Car theft in Canada has reached an alarming rate – one every five minutes. While it’s easy to think it won’t occur to you, car theft can strike anyone, anywhere.
CAA is a key stakeholder in protecting consumers against car theft and advocating for change. To address this issue, here’s what Canadian drivers need to know about the problem to better protect themselves against car theft.
Car theft on a large scale has impacted other countries in the past, but Canada is the latest target.
How big is the problem?
Recent data from the Equite Association reveals a substantial increase in car theft rates over the past year: 48.2% in Ontario and 57.9% in Quebec. This surge has significant financial implications; auto theft losses amounted to $1.2 billion in 2022.
The Ontario Government reports that car thefts in the province rose by 31% in the first six months of 2023 compared to the same period in 2022.
How is it happening so frequently?
Car theft has become increasingly frequent; organized crime rings have succeeded in having vehicles exported from Canada for their own gain.
Another issue is that car security standards haven’t been updated in 17 years, but thieves are using modern tech to steal cars.
Where are all these cars going?
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Stolen cars are being trafficked to various parts of the world, with key hotspots including the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Belgium, Italy, Germany, Nigeria, Jamaica, and Malta.
A significant trend involves vehicles being re-VINned, where stolen cars have their plates changed and a new Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) installed. These altered vehicles are then sold domestically to unsuspecting buyers.