Travelling with a preexisting medical condition
3 Minute Read
Having travel insurance is recommended so that you have no worries concerning, among other matters, fees for medical care in case of an accident. But what if you have a preexisting medical condition? Can you even get travel insurance? If so, how and at what price?
What's a "preexisting medical condition"?
Generally speaking, insurers define it as a major or minor health condition, stable or unstable, that is already known at the time of purchasing travel insurance and might require medical treatment or follow-up. Examples of preexisting medical conditions include cardiovascular and respiratory disease, hypertension, diabetes, cancer, pneumonia, or surgery scheduled to take place before a trip.
Coverage and stability period
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If you meet the insurer’s eligibility requirements, you can buy travel insurance. Note, however, that some insurers won’t insure you if your medical condition is serious or terminal or if your doctor advises against travelling.
A preexisting medical condition may be covered if it’s considered stable by the insurer. Generally speaking, stability means there has been no change in treatment over a given period of time determined by the insurer. Other stability requirements may include a planned doctor’s visit or a scheduled surgery. The stability period varies depending on the traveller’s age. It ranges from three to six months or one to several years for specific conditions.
With regard to other conditions, like trip-cancellation insurance, there’s no required stability period. On the other hand, certain unstable conditions, like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), may be excluded from coverage because the risk of making a claim is too high. In this case, you can still buy a policy whereby you’d be reimbursed for claims unrelated to the excluded condition (for example, a fracture or gastroenteritis).
Insurance premiums
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Rates vary depending on the traveller's age and trip duration. At the time of procuring insurance, disclose any condition or illness, significant or not, from which you suffer or have already suffered to avoid refusal of coverage in case of hospitalization or emergency medical care due to a recurrence during the trip. For a premium surcharge, certain insurers offer an optional personalized protection to fully cover your health condition excluded by a standard policy. Either you or your doctor may be requested to provide additional medical details.
Credit-card insurance
Several credit cards provide insurance coverage for unforeseen events during a trip. It's important to read the latest insurance terms and conditions of your card issuer. "More often than not, some limitations or exclusions apply. Some cards insure only you, the cardholder; others shorten the coverage period once you've reached a certain age. You may also be required to pay for all your bookings with the card to benefit from its insurance coverage.
Identify your needs
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Be honest with the insurance agent or broker
Your preexisting medical conditions and age must be disclosed to determine your coverage eligibility.
Shop and compare
Terms, coverage amounts and premiums vary from one company to another. Ask if the quote you're given is guaranteed and, if so, for how many days. This will give you time to get quotes from other insurers.
Read your travel insurance policy carefully
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Is there a deductible in case of a claim? Will you have to pay upfront for on-site care and then get reimbursed later? What reasons are admissible for trip cancellation or interruption?
Don't allow pre-existing medical conditions to keep you from travelling
CAA Travel Insurance offers emergency medical plans where you can add a pre-existing medical condition rider. Get a quote online, and don't forget CAA Members save up to 20% on travel insurance.
CAA Travel Insurance, an Orion Travel Insurance product, is underwritten by Echelon Insurance. Certain exclusions, limitations and restrictions apply. Subject to change without notice. A Medical Questionnaire is required if you are 60 years of age and older. Quotes are valid for 30 days.
1All pre-existing medical conditions must be stable within 7 days prior to departure. Certain exclusions, limitations and restrictions apply.
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