A child taking a photo off the National Geographic LIndblad Expeditions ship at sunset

Save 50% on cabin fare for young travellers

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Take an eight-day unforgettable travelling adventure with the family through Iceland. This trip features the National Geographic Adventures program that teaches kids and teens to explore like scientists. It's the ultimate family voyage with an array of immersive excursions for all ages. Take advantage of this limited-time offer and book a select Iceland departure between February 25 - May 25, 2025, and save 50% on cabin fare for travellers aged 22 and under.

Select packages: 

  • Fire and Ice: An 8-Day Sail Around Iceland
  • A Circumnavigation of Iceland

Terms and Conditions

Book between February 25–May 25, 2025. Valid for new bookings only on select departures, subject to availability, not applicable on airfare or extensions, and may not be combined with other child discounts. Call for details. Children and young adults aged 22 and under receive a saving of 50%, deducted from cabin fare prior to any additional applicable savings with the purchase of cabin fare. Full payment must be made at the time of booking and is non-refundable. ©2024 Lindblad Expeditions. All Rights Reserved. Lindblad Expeditions and the Eye are the trademarks of Lindblad Expeditions, LLC. ©2024 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC EXPEDITIONS and the Yellow Border Design are trademarks of the National Geographic Society, used under license