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Add up the savings when you combine these offers with your exclusive CAA Member Benefits – up to 20%1 off CAA Travel Insurance, passport photo savings and exclusive offers from our CAA preferred travel partners..
Don’t have a CAA Membership? Sign up to take advantage of great deals and savings. CAA Memberships start at just $302 a year, plus tax.
Exclusive travel package deals
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Frequently asked questions
Travellers do not need to be CAA Members to book a group departure through CAA Travel agency. However, active CAA Members receive select benefits on their travel package.
When you book a trip with a CAA Travel Partner through CAA Travel, you get exclusive benefits only available to CAA Members. Check out the partner pages or contact a CAA Travel Consultant to learn more about Member Benefits.
Yes! Book an appointment with a CAA Travel Consultant or CAA Insurance Agent to plan a trip or get a quote on home and auto insurance.
1. CAA Travel Insurance, an Orion Travel Insurance product, is underwritten by Echelon Insurance. Certain exclusions, limitations and restrictions apply. Subject to change without notice. A Medical Questionnaire is required if you are 60 years of age and older. Quotes are valid for 30 days. Applies to CAA Members in good standing (CAA Membership dues paid in full by Membership expiry date). Up to twenty percent (20%) savings applies to the total premium excluding applicable taxes. Minimum premium applies. Subject to change without notice. Excludes Visitors to Canada Insurance. CAA Everyday, Classic®, and Plus® Members save 10%. CAA Premier® Members save 20% at CAA Stores or by calling 1-800-267-8713. CAA Premier Members save 10% and earn 10% in CAA Dollars® when booking online.
2. Visit for full Membership Terms and Conditions.
*Terms and conditions apply. Partners and offers are subject to change without notice.