Being a CAA Member pays
Get fast, friendly automotive services, travel offers, insurance savings and amazing rewards! Sign up now to take advantage of incredible deals and savings. CAA Memberships start at just $301 a year, plus tax.
24/7 Roadside assistance
Your membership covers you in any vehicle, even as a passenger, with 24/7 service across Canada and the U.S. Request roadside help like towing, battery boosts, or fuel delivery, and track your driver from start to finish.
Take it from our Members
I've been a CAA Member for years. I had an incident where I accidentally locked my 3-year-old daughter in my truck. I have locked my keys in my truck before but knowing I have CAA, it's not something I worry about. I'd like to thank CAA for how quickly they arrived. Shortly after we got my daughter out, CAA called to check if everything was okay. I just wanted to say what a fantastic job.
Partners for everyday living
Whether you're planning a family road trip, looking for something to do on the weekend, or shopping for the latest trends. CAA has partner savings for everyone. Members save on fuel, apparel, restaurants, hotels, and so much more.
The Pit Crew that comes to you
CAA offers Members quick, convenient at-home automotive services. Book online, and we'll come to you for tire changes, battery service, chip repair, auto detailing, oil changes, and more. We sell tires with at-home installation and offer tire storage too!
Insure what matters most and save
Protecting what matters most comes naturally, especially our families, homes, vehicles, and pets. With CAA's insurance savings come naturally, too.
Your very own award-winning travel agency
We'll plan your flights, tours, cruises, and itinerary, from budget-friendly trips to once-in-a-lifetime experiences. As a Member, you get access to special packages and perks you can't get anywhere else.
Membership FAQ
Yes, your CAA Membership provides roadside assistance coverage across Canada and mainland United States! In fact, it is accepted in 32 other countries as well. The services provided are based on your Membership level.
A quick way is to open the CAA app and scroll down to “Offers nearby” from the home screen. Tap on the map to view what is available near you. If location services are turned off then it will not appear, tap on Turn On and allow CAA to access your location.
You can contact CAA by calling.
To join CAA call 1-844-252-3648
For existing Members call 1-800-705-1803
*Visit for full Membership Terms and Conditions.