Man hiking in Canada standing on a rock overlooking a lake

Travel with someone you trust

We make travelling easy with our expert CAA Travel Consultants. They look after all the details for you so you can truly enjoy your vacation. 

Travel agency service fees

When you plan your trip with a CAA Travel Consultant you're benefiting from years of experience in the travel industry, first-hand knowledge of destinations and travel operators and a trusted resource advocating for you. CAA Members get up to six travel service fees covered1 every year - that's up to $300 saved just for being a Member and booking through CAA Travel agency. Travellers who book their travel online through CAA do not have to pay travel service fees.


CAA Premier®
CAA Plus®
CAA Classic®
CAA Everyday
Professional Booking Fee 
(guided tours, cruises, and select packages)

6 fees covered1 

$50 for each booking after

4 fees covered1 

$50 for each booking after

2 fees covered1 

$50 for each booking after

2 fees covered1 

$50 for each booking after


Professional Booking Fee 
(air, car, hotel, rail, activity)






Professional Booking Fee 
(select packages)






Plan to Go Fee2
(refundable upon travel purchase)






Change or Cancellation Fee3






Electronic Visa Fee 
(without travel purchase)






Group Booking Fee4




